We went to see a free preview of the movie Cthulhu yesterday.  It’s a new take on the classic by H.P. Lovecraft, set in a small town on the Oregon coast.   Written by Seattle local Grant Cogswell, it was shot in Seattle and Astoria, Oregon with a number of not so well know local actors.  There are some interesting deviations from the Lovecraft classic.  Of course, the setting is Oregon which is quite different than Lovecraft’s original take.  It’s set in current times.  And the most striking change, especially in this day and age, is the protagonist, Russ.  He’s gay.  The movie opens with Russ looking out the window of his Pike Place apartment after reading a letter announcing his mothers death.  A young ‘club boy’ lays in his bed, and upon hearing of Russ’s loss, simply gives him a ‘that sucks’ followed by a request for $20. Russ returns to his hometown in Oregon, where he renews his relationship with his childhood friend, which moves fr


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This afternoon, I dropped by my surgeon for my 3 week checkup.  He was quite pleased, my healing is coming along well, my bite is excellent, I’m keeping my mouth clean.  The nurses and other staff were more than pleased.  They were amazed.   The nurse indicated that I looked like I much farther along in my healing process, much father than the mere 3 weeks I’m sitting at now.  It’s my vampiric healing abilities.  Or perhaps my X gene, like Wolverine.

This evening, I attended Roxy and Jessies House of Dolls variety show for the first time in 3 weeks.  The show opened with The Royal Knights, a drag king troupe from tacoma.  They did a great job, with a few pop numbers, a few hip-hop numbers, and even a country number.   After a break, they started the Superstar Diva Contest.  Really great performances by all. 
One thing was missing, of course.  Bellydancing.  Specifically me.  I’ve probably another month of recovery before I can think about performing.  I do miss it, bu


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For my first post, I’ll describe some interesting events of the last few weeks. 2 and a half weeks ago, I went in for orthognathic jaw surgery.  Prepare for the gruesome details…. Dr. Bloomquist separated my upper jaw from the rest of my skull, just under the nose, and moved it sideways and untwisted it a bit for the upper part of my bite correct.  And he moved my chin and lower jaw forward to correct an overbite. Gruesome, but not as gruesome as the first day after.   Honestly, for the first two days, I questioned my decision to have this work done.  It was not a pleasant time.  The pain was under control with medication, of course.  But the swelling, stuffiness, and the simple amount of blood coming from my mouth and nose.  That is not something I want to go through again.  I looked like I’d kissed a baseball bat at high speed.  
For days, my nose slowly dripped blood, the result of a breathing tube forced through my nose, around my sinuses, and down my throat.  My face l


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