Stacy and I visited Grandpa and Grandma today.
My Grandfather is unfortunately on hospice care as he has a large tumor on his colon, as well as one on his liver. He’s only just started to experience the pain from that, so he’s not on heavy drugs yet, and isn’t too loopy yet.
He seemed ok during our visit. He was a bit frustrated as he was shivering for no reason during his dinner, which made it difficult to hold his food, but his cornball sense of humor did show through a bit. He looks a bit rough, but still not bad enough that I’m forced to deal with what’s really going to happen to him in the next few months.

Afterwards, we visited Grandma Jean. She’s been fighting diabetes for 10 years, and a slow blood cancer for the last 4. And recently, she’s developed some calcification within her spinal canal, giving her severe back pain. Given she was on the last day of a week of chemo, she looked ok. We did talk about medical challenges for an hour or so, as that’s a large


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I just finished Kelley Armstrong’s ‘Bitten’, first of her ‘Women of the Underworld’ series. The novel centers around Elena, the only female werewolf, who’s left her pack to live a ‘human’ life in Toronto.  She’s called back to her pack to help deal with some killings, and she reluctantly goes.  A steamy but difficult reunion with an old lover, a bunch of murder, and general werewolf fun.
The book didn’t really grab me at first.  The characters initially seemed somewhat shallow.  Elena, young woman journalist in Toronto, etc.  Her lover?  A bit too perfect. After a few chapters, however, Elena became much more interesting.  Hey.  She’s a werewolf.  She’s a werewolf dealing with other werewolves.  How interesting is that? Yes, there are many other w


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Last night, I dropped by a CD Release party a friend was putting together for Upchuck, Gone but Not Forgiven.
The CD is a posthumous release honoring Upchuck, a Seattle punk icon from way back.  He was cut down by AIDS in 1991, a tragic loss to the Seattle punk scene.  Gay, known for wild punk-glamour costumes, and generally over the top, it was apparent he was very much loved by the crowd that attended.  While I never saw Upchuck play, as I w


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We’ve a few extra months before the end of the universe.  The Hadron Supercollider had a mechanical issue, putting off the end of the world for a bit.  No planet-eating black holes.  No spawning of new universes in Switzerland.  Whew.  Ok, we’ll fall into some Star Trek like spacial anomaly in a few months, but at least I won’t miss Halloween.
In other news, I reformatted my current writing project to ‘standard’ manuscript format, double spaced with a readable font, 1″ margins, etc.  I’m at 96 pages…yikes.  And so many more to go.  It’s like giving birth, I tell ya.
Now for some fun drinks when you go out on the town: Black Orchid: rum, tequila, vodka, gin poured into a pint glass with ice.  A squirt of blue curacao and grenadine.  (different from the traditional recipe, but my favorite) Tokyo Iced Tea: rum, tequila, vodka, gin with Midori Irish Car Bomb: A shot glass of Baileys an


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What can I say.  Liquid diet, I’m down 16 pounds since before surgery. (20 from a few months ago) Holy crap on a crap sandwich (which I can’t eat).  It’s only been a month.  My clothes are getting kinda loose, and clothes which I’ve not been able to wear in awhile are fitting well.  Oh, and a number of outfits that I bought a bit ago that were overly ambitious, they’re starting to fit too. Should be interesting when I go back to bellydancing.  Perhaps I’ll perform on Wednesday at Neighbors.  Maybe I’ll get that 4-pack. I did manage to go to Red Robin last night and eat a portion of a small hamburger, as well as some fries.  Kinda rough on my teeth, and it filled me up quickly, but it was nice. In other news, well, there’s no other news.  Not much time for other news right now.


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I don’t know what it is about writing in coffee shops.  I’ve seen many writers recommend finding a quiet corner at home, away from distractions.  Turn off the internet, grab a spot of tea, shut out the world. I don’t know about you, but I need more stimulation to get the mental juices flowing.  I need music.  I’ve put together a soundtrack that works for the mood of my current project.  Music I’m familiar with.  I suspect new music might really distract me, but no music at all simply wouldn’t put me in the emotional space I need to write. Caffein helps.  I need my mocha, iced or hot.  It’s comforting yet energizing. And strangely enough, I like having people around me when I write.  I don’t want the distraction of socializing with friends or acquaintances, but having people around helps me write about people.  I’ve always enjoyed people-watching, you learn so much. The challenge, balance the distraction of people-watching with the hard work of writi…


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Finally, after all these weeks, solid food. Last night, Stacy’s parents took us out to Beth’s, my favorite 24 hour greasy spoon.  Scrambled eggs are easy, but I was also able to stomach the hash browns and wheat toast. Not too much, though.  After 3 weeks of liquid food, my stomach has shrunk to the size of, er, a very small stomach.   Today for lunch?  Fried rice from the Vietnamese restaurant near my work.  And Dinner?  We all went out to Thai Siam, my favorite Thai place.   Seriously, go there, the food is divine. The Thai food was a challenge to eat.  Vegetables are not forgiving.  And Phad Thai just gets caught in my braces.  The won ton soup went down well, though. I’m going to continue my predominantly liquid diet, though.  I’m about 13 pounds down from where I was 3 weeks ago.


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Note to self:
If your doctor says take your medication at the same time every day, simply taking it in the ‘morning’ after you wake up isn’t good enough, especially if you wake up one day at 1PM, and the next at 9AM.
The dizzy spells and nausea are just not worth it.


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Some of you may know, I’ve started writing fiction. It’s been a dream of mine to tell stories in one way or another.  I’ve touched on it with video, and I’ve always wanted to try my hand at writing video games.  Both of those require equipment, money, and possibly coworkers. Writing, however, requires a brain and something to get stories on paper.  My choice, as with most writers these days, is a laptop.
Anyway, I’ve been working on a project that’s on some edgy topics.  Drugs, prostitut


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